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Semarang State University

Overview of Semarang State University

Semarang State University's main gates (img source :

Semarang State University (SSU) is the fourth most favourite campus in Indonesia, according to United Nations Development Program (UNDP). SSU is located in Semarang, the capital city of Central Java, Indonesia. It has eight (8) faculties, they are the faculty of education science, the faculty of languages and arts, the faculty of social science, the faculty of mathematics and natural science, the faculty of engineering, the faculty of sports science, the faculty of economics, and the faculty of law. The student body is approximately 40.000 students enrolled in those 8 faculties. They came from any other big city in Indonesia with different cultural backgrounds, local dialeg, and life style, but in here they have the spirit of unity as mutual life to reach their future together.

SSU also is known as conservation university which gives a priority to the concept of environment perservation.  With the conservation vision , all the whole of campus citizens have always to get a load of their campus area. You can see a lot of green reforeslation around every road side with very rare vehicle passing away. They have the official regulation that any kind of motor veihicles do not permit to pass from 6 a.m until  7 p.m. SSU who has developed themselves in this green campus concept, still hold their spirit-truth of conservation very well. They always try to aim it is vision of a response to run against globalization and lend their students to become competitive human resources.

SSU always does the best as all the world like their jargon : “healthy, outstanding and prosperous”. Various facilities and infrastructures  around SSU area give a lot advantages for students learning activity. SSU sopported their students with the library which consits any kind of disciplines book, sport centre with multitude facilities, laboratory and workshop, hotspot area at all campus buildings, and many more. Students learning activities also supported by school bus to go in the directon of other faculties. There is a place called “embung” that students really delight in to be there. A place that usually used to put mind at rest when students felt weary on account of campus activities. The other most visited spots by students are flying fox and wall climbing that located in the backpart of auditorium building.

The SSU students live in conducive and straight living condition without need to worry about the cost of living allowance. In SSU region, everything is cheap as compared to the other big cities in Indonesia. With friendly and kind local inhabitants, every new comers like fresh students will be a lot easier to assimilate into each other. Into the bargain, in SSU  quarter almost 70% population ranges is dominated by students, and 30% are local inhabitants. Every long days-off almost of students will get home coming, and the impact is the main street will be quiet with minimun activities. Native inhabitants also got their incoming by sold every students’ needs especially alimentary things, but in long days-off their incoming will be decreased drastically.

Until now on SSU still become one of the most university in Indonesia that common interest to choose. A lot of rising generations have been started here, in many cases so much students graduated from SSU  have been served their country as highly-educated human resources. SSU for Indonesian continuous improvenment, role and contribution to every change in the local and global levels.

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